We are honored to have Dr. Greg Davis join us on Jan. 29th to talk to the club about the pathological changes seen when a person is exposed to extremes in temperature. He will discuss some of the physiological injuries that occur and improvised treatment techniques we can apply. Whether it's hyperthermia or hypothermia, the body does its best to retain full function and homeostasis. Come hear what happens when temperature homestasis gets pushed past its breaking point.

What: Exposure to Extremes in Temperature
When: Thursday, Jan. 29th, 12:00pm - 12:50pm
Where: MN-263
Please RSVP to Stacey Gutman slgutm2@uky.edu by Tuesday, 1/27
Lunch will be provided; you may want to bring a drink.
thank you for that lovely image to lull me to sleep and haunt me on the next cold weather trip / expedition that i take...
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